
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Time Flies and Nude Bathing with Butterball

Thanksgiving, thesis, jewelry orders, teaching, sleepwalking and chicken herding have been keeping me whirling. I shall write an explanation about the nude photo of me in this post later when I have a second. Just know that it is ART not porno, and was done for comedic purposes. I've been busy. In short, I defended a thesis proposal, am ready to release an eductional survey online nationally, participated in a jewelry show, have taught children who say things like, "Gee you are such a gweat artist - I think you would win any art contest for older citizens," have done this on a wee amount of sleep as usual, and finally, rescued some chickens. Another story - later. For now, here are two photos for you. The first is entitled, "Nude Bathing with Butterball," and the second is one of my rescue chickens, 'Swizzlestick.' She is making her Zoolander face.

O.K. I lied more photos of a few new jewels.

And how about shooting me some comments folks?? I really love comments. It's lonely here at this very old computer without your input...

1 comment:

Hena Tayeb said...

That picture is hilarious. What were you doing?