A friend contacted me and said that I really should enter this Martha Stewart American Made thing. She also said that the deadline was in a few hours. O.K. sure, why not? Having absolutely no idea what this thing was about, I clicked on the link. I had 25 minutes before I had to get to the post office to ship wedding rings.
The instructions seemed simple and straightforward. I like that, so I jumped in. Insert a profile pic. How did you start your business? This is do-able. But then there were big questions. Questions that required thought, and I had no time to think. I wrote off-the-cuff, and I typed fast. By the time I reached the bottom question I had about 30 seconds left, and schlepped an answer. And I made it to the post office on time.
Later that evening I received a Martha text saying that my nominee page was live. Live? Folks, I am so naive about all things modern that I think I actually believed that the form would just be seen by a few of Martha's staff. Really. I'm kicking myself for rushing my entry, mainly because I just grabbed photos and threw them up, and could have put more thought into my writing.
Oh, and then there is the fact that the fancy, organized artists even have movies about their businesses. The form said to add a Youtube video of my business, but the only video I could find was me being attacked by a banty rooster named Napoleon. Oh well.
This will be good exposure anyway, won't it? Huh? I think it will...
Finalists are being chosen by judges already.
There is a way, however, that I could at least make a little bit of a showing. A tiny ripple in Martha's sea of amazing nominees.
Part of the contest is about activating one's social media in order to qualify for a WILD CARD position to become a finalist.
Here's how, and I need YOUR HELP.
NUMBER ONE: Please click on my nominee page, scroll down to Facebook share and click.
NUMBER TWO: It would be really great if you would comment.
NUMBER THREE: Now share my nominee page with every single person you know on the planet. But don't stop there. Ask your people to do these four things too.
NUMBER FOUR: Vote for me!!
"Cha hee. Cha ha. Cha ha ha ha. Vote for me and rah, rah, rah!!!"
I know it's a lot to ask, but I would be sad if I had the fewest number of social media clicks. SO CLICK BELOW PLEASE!
(I love you. Lots. xoxoxoxoxo)
The instructions seemed simple and straightforward. I like that, so I jumped in. Insert a profile pic. How did you start your business? This is do-able. But then there were big questions. Questions that required thought, and I had no time to think. I wrote off-the-cuff, and I typed fast. By the time I reached the bottom question I had about 30 seconds left, and schlepped an answer. And I made it to the post office on time.
Later that evening I received a Martha text saying that my nominee page was live. Live? Folks, I am so naive about all things modern that I think I actually believed that the form would just be seen by a few of Martha's staff. Really. I'm kicking myself for rushing my entry, mainly because I just grabbed photos and threw them up, and could have put more thought into my writing.
Oh, and then there is the fact that the fancy, organized artists even have movies about their businesses. The form said to add a Youtube video of my business, but the only video I could find was me being attacked by a banty rooster named Napoleon. Oh well.
This will be good exposure anyway, won't it? Huh? I think it will...
Finalists are being chosen by judges already.
There is a way, however, that I could at least make a little bit of a showing. A tiny ripple in Martha's sea of amazing nominees.
Part of the contest is about activating one's social media in order to qualify for a WILD CARD position to become a finalist.
Here's how, and I need YOUR HELP.
NUMBER ONE: Please click on my nominee page, scroll down to Facebook share and click.
NUMBER TWO: It would be really great if you would comment.
NUMBER THREE: Now share my nominee page with every single person you know on the planet. But don't stop there. Ask your people to do these four things too.
NUMBER FOUR: Vote for me!!
"Cha hee. Cha ha. Cha ha ha ha. Vote for me and rah, rah, rah!!!"
VOTE ONLINE September 15 through October 13.
I know it's a lot to ask, but I would be sad if I had the fewest number of social media clicks. SO CLICK BELOW PLEASE!
(I love you. Lots. xoxoxoxoxo)

A little new work ...
Dog tag for human with dog's names on bones
Copper cuff adorned with fine silver and freshwater pearl
Fine silver and turquoise dangles
Long twig dangles in fine silver
Dewdrop rose engagement with Eternity band
Mixed semi precious on adjustable leather necklace